So it's that time of year again when I
can write a review of a metal festival, post it, then link to it in
as many places as possible so that a vast array of meatheads can
email me and post comments to tell me LOL UR GAY GWAR WER AWESUM etc.
Admittedly, Gwar didn't play Damnationfest this year. But you get the
general idea.
Note for Damnationfest organisers: get Gwar in for next year. If there isn't any simulated sex onstage between bandmembers and people in penguin costumes, I'm not coming.
Note for Damnationfest organisers: get Gwar in for next year. If there isn't any simulated sex onstage between bandmembers and people in penguin costumes, I'm not coming.
As always for a large multi-stage
festival, this review comes loaded with the caveat that I am one man
who quite enjoys standing or sitting in one spot for some length of
time, and so I will be covering a small subsection of the 23 bands
that played this year. You want me running around taking copious
notes based on two tracks caught from each performer? Fucking pay me.
The festival itself was as
well-structured and maintained as ever – set times were adhered to,
there was a hefty merchandise and stall area, and the Student Union
site allows for a thorough raiding of a small supermarket and bakery
when alcohol and crushing noise just aren't enough. This more than
makes up for the inevitable navigation nightmare that ensues in tight
winding corridors when bands finish and their sweaty herd decides to
take a stroll to another stage. Speaking of stages, a return to a
larger stage layout from the last time I attended (2010, fact fans)
was more than welcome. With The Refectory as the largest stage,
sometimes it was even possible to attain breathing space in the
So, music then. I kickstarted my day with the first band available – the brutal and incendiary Ravens Creed, who filter old school metal and thrash through a sludgey funnel to produce riffs so meaty that they bleed on their way out of the speakers. It is bastard heavy stuff, which fills the tight confines of the Eyesore stage in an extremely satisfying fashion. All this and a quick derogatory reference to hipsters before launching into a song titled “Stand Up And Be Cunted”. Recommended.
So, music then. I kickstarted my day with the first band available – the brutal and incendiary Ravens Creed, who filter old school metal and thrash through a sludgey funnel to produce riffs so meaty that they bleed on their way out of the speakers. It is bastard heavy stuff, which fills the tight confines of the Eyesore stage in an extremely satisfying fashion. All this and a quick derogatory reference to hipsters before launching into a song titled “Stand Up And Be Cunted”. Recommended.
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Ravens Creed |
Next I wander along to the The Atrocity
Exhibit, who peddle a fairly bog standard approach to crusty
grindcore with strong death metal elements. It is technically
accomplished stuff and there is, to turn a phrase, nowt wrong wi' it.
But there's also nothing to particularly fire my enthusiasm. They
come across as lineup-filler to my ears. If the genre is your bag,
you might feel differently. Onwards to Hawk Eyes, the openers on the
main stage. These guys probably fit comfortably into the
post-hardcore bracket. But as discussed on this august site
previously, who the fuck doesn't? This is Mike Patton worship at a
fairly advanced level, melody and chaos being thrust at the crowd in
equal measure. There are haircuts, but obviously some talent behind
them. As a Leeds band they are carrying the local banner proudly, and
certainly are in possession of a fine example of the Leeds
alternative sound. I know what I mean by that. No one else ever seems
to. What, you want clarity? Go read a mainstream site. I was tempted
to stay and catch some more, but time was against me.
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Hang The Bastard |
And I was quite glad it was, in the
end. It allowed me to catch a good chunk of the elegantly-named Hang
The Bastard, who are probably the most polite sludgecore band on the
planet. In a genre populated almost exclusively by heavily-bearded
men who like to drink heavily and punch their fans in the face, it is
refreshing to be addressed from stage in-between tectonic slabs of
metal by a chap who speaks to a baying crowd like they are his
girlfriend's mum. They do what they do very well – and let's not
fool ourselves here, every sludge band on the planet sounds exactly
the same. Variations on Eyehategod and Iron Monkey, rinse and repeat.
It's a genre that wallows proudly in its influences, and while I
usually find that cause for concern I'm happy to make an exception
for the likes of Hang The Bastard. They have the requisite number of
fat bastards, colossal grooving riffs and glass-in-throat gargling to
make me a happy man. Another promising find.
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Wodensthrone |
Upon removing myself to the Eyesore
stage again to see Wodensthrone, I find that in my absence a vast
swathe of the attendees have engaged in asexual reproduction to form
an impenetrable mass that I can only access via wedging myself
between the bar, other stinking humans and a wheelchair access
device. This is ridiculously uncomfortable, but I suffer through the
incredible pain (probably more than you have ever experienced) to see
a fair whack of the set. From my agonising position near the back of
a low room with a grooved, curved ceiling and multiple open spaces to
either side (detail I will throw in to make any sound engineers
reading this bite the back of their hand in terror) most of what I
can hear is a muffled cacophony of guitars and distorted keyboards.
Using my sensitive and astounding critic powers, I can tell that
Wodensthrone are something pretty damn impressive. Atmospheric,
melodic black metal played right down the nose. The band themselves
are obviously engrossed in their performance, which has a knock-on
effect of drawing the audience in despite a relative lack of movement
or extroverted energy onstage. Having lost several limbs in my
contorted position, I retreat after catching enough of them to ensure
they are a quality Jormungandr-bothering enterprise.
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Blacklisters |
The stage empties out significantly for
the next band I catch, Blacklisters. Which is a shame, and probably
largely because they fall under the aforementioned category of
'hipster' for the majority of metalheads attending. That's not to say
they're not, mind. But if they are, then they are top-notch hipster
entertainment. Spasming noise rock that doesn't sound a million miles
away from an amped-up Shellac being fed into a woodchipper, the major
flaw in a performance more physical than most is that they give off a
palpable sense of too-cool-for-this that they get away with primarily
because they are fucking good at what they are doing. They're
probably a bunch of cunts, but that's kind of alright when their
music makes every odd-numbered organ in your body leap twelve feet to
the left.
Back to the main stage for Textures, a
band I seem to not be able to get behind despite their influences
being big favourites of mine. But I think that is largely the
problem. It's all second-hand Meshuggah riffs alternated with melodic
sections that sound like either Devin Townsend or Alice In Chains,
depending on what the band felt like the day they wrote it. And trust
me, I realise that sounds awesome. But in execution, it lacks
something significant. While as a whole the songs sound polished and
slick – which is to their detriment in and of itself –
transitions between thundering djent and lofty melody are sudden,
awkward and ill-timed. Truly less than the sum of their parts,
Textures just come across as a fusion of different derivative
elements. I will say this, though – they have a better stage
presence as a whole band than any other act over the entire day.
Shame about the music.
The next band I attempt to see are
Bossk, but it becomes clear that actually getting into the Eyesore
stage is more trouble than it is worth and may involve stabbing a
good number of people to actually move forward ten or so feet. If I
was a less charitable man I might claim that this was down to a great
number of local scene pricks hanging out by the bar and talking
over the music in a pathetic attempt to accrue points for being
there. But I am nothing if not charitable, so let's move on.
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Gama Bomb |
Gama Bomb take to the stage some time
later, and it is clear that they have quite a following for a band
halfway up the lineup. I can see why, too. Kind of. They play thrash
metal on the punkier end of the spectrum, full of lyrics about
zombies and evil and haha what a jolly lark it is to be in a metal
band blah blah blah. Which I admit is probably very appealing if
you're not me, and therefore crippled by cynicism and pretension. The
band themselves are clearly as happy to play as the crowd are to hear
them, and almost completely defuse any criticism I might make of them
playing derivative mediocre material with a 'comedy' spin (the
inverted commas are because to produce successful comedy, you need
actual jokes and not just to write songs about daft things) by
reading out amusing critiques of them - containing sentiments much
the same as what I was thinking while watching - to the audience, and
remaining pretty self-aware of their limitations throughout. So well
played, Gama Bomb. I didn't particularly like you, but now feel like
a bit of a dick for it. Well played.
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Primordial |
Next up on the main stage are
Primordial, who are one of the only bands I have failed to research
or listen to before arriving. Yes, I research these things. I'm not
some bequiffed and tattooed wanker who thinks their cache as a critic
is largely linked to how many bands they can get wasted with and
whose copy is littered with basic factual errors about genre and
sound. I am a proud unpaid professional and none of you are worthy of
kissing my damn feet.
But I digress, slightly. Primordial. I had no idea what to expect, which may have been a contributing factor to how impressed I was. Which was very. Highly melodic blackened doom with sub-operatic vocals (that's a compliment, folks) performed like road-hardened veterans. Frontman Alan Averill – yeah, I've done my research now – herded and drove the crowd like a master, splattered with Jackson Pollock corpse paint and unafraid to bellow slightly ridiculous metal banter at the crowd without the slightest sense of irony. Galloping riffs underpinned by atmospheric breakdowns, all wolves and blood red stars and moonlight glinting off blades.
But I digress, slightly. Primordial. I had no idea what to expect, which may have been a contributing factor to how impressed I was. Which was very. Highly melodic blackened doom with sub-operatic vocals (that's a compliment, folks) performed like road-hardened veterans. Frontman Alan Averill – yeah, I've done my research now – herded and drove the crowd like a master, splattered with Jackson Pollock corpse paint and unafraid to bellow slightly ridiculous metal banter at the crowd without the slightest sense of irony. Galloping riffs underpinned by atmospheric breakdowns, all wolves and blood red stars and moonlight glinting off blades.
Lovely stuff.
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My Dying Bride |
So onto My Dying Bride, who I had not
been particularly anticipating despite being a big fan. I'm not sure
why. Perhaps because I have seen them a number of times before,
perhaps because it has been 6 years since they released an album that
really impressed me. Either way, by strolling onstage and giving the
best performance of the day they left me pleasantly surprised. A
newly-shorn Aaron looked like some kind of ascetic hermit as he
stalked onstage and writhed around in torment to their definitive
brand of gothic doom. I would hope the torment is pretty much faux,
after all these years. Otherwise the poor lad must have an awful time
of all these immortal unfulfilled desires and eternally lost hopes.
Either way, My Dying Bride forced a wonderfully miserable setlist
down our throats. Highlights included a three-in-a-row blinder of
“Like Gods Of The Sun”, “To Remain Tombless” and “She Is
The Dark” that was without a doubt the best twenty minutes I've had
in quite some time. No sniggering at the back.
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Pig Destroyer |
Main stage headliners Electric Wizard
emerged a short time later to a psychedelic backdrop and immense
rolling feedback that gave way to monolithic riffage. They're quite
heavy, quite slow and they like Black Sabbath a fair bit. Not much
else needs to be said, really. Especially since I left their set
about 15 minutes in (which means I only heard about one-tenth of a
song) to go see Pig Destroyer headline the Terrorizer stage. The
cerebral grindcore heroes were the main draw of the festival for me,
so I arrived there in anticipation despite the lethargy of the
teetotal festival-goer and my natural sense of almost complete
contempt for everything. When they finally kicked off somewhat late,
it quickly became apparent that the sound in the main crowd pit was
pretty damn abysmal. So I moved to a higher balcony, where the sound
was undoubtedly improved. Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of the
problems with the set. While it sounded better up high, J.R. Hayes
vocals were still a muffled croaking mush. I get that in grindcore
that is kinda the standard anyway, but it came across as technical
rather than stylistic. The band themselves seemed fairly nonplussed
at being there, spending most of their time rocking back and forth on
their feet and looking at each other. There was little to no crowd
interaction, each song was bookended with about two minutes of either
silence or keyboard/sampler noise and after the first ten minutes or
so there was a noticeable steady bleed of audience members out from
the room.
Quite a few of them wearing Pig Destroyer shirts, which is never a good sign.
I am actually still struggling to reconcile what I thought of this gig with the obvious violent bliss many were feeling down in the main pit. There was a veritable tsunami of bodies rolling back and forth down there, and I wonder if from my lofty physical and emotional perch I wasn't getting it. But all I can do is call 'em as I see 'em. And the band seemed as bored as the members of the audience who weren't kicking the shit out of each other. Once a long technical problem halfway through soaked up a lot of set time, the number of tunes that actually got played was pretty pathetic. After accounting for a late start, an early finish, a technical gap in the middle, an unwarranted departure for an encore and healthy amounts of absolute nothing inbetween two-minute long songs, I'd estimate that Pig Destroyer played between twenty and twenty-five minutes of music in a headlining set.
Not good enough. Nowhere near. Especially shortly after having seen Primordial and My Dying Bride, both of whom performed headline-quality sets in standard slots. All this and no “Mapplethorpe Grey” or “Carrion Fairy”. A big fat hefty 'meh' for the my main draw of the festival.
And yet I left feeling thoroughly satisfied. Overall, it represented a fucking solid day of extremely obnoxious music. Chalk another one up for the Damnationfest team. Bring on next year.
Quite a few of them wearing Pig Destroyer shirts, which is never a good sign.
I am actually still struggling to reconcile what I thought of this gig with the obvious violent bliss many were feeling down in the main pit. There was a veritable tsunami of bodies rolling back and forth down there, and I wonder if from my lofty physical and emotional perch I wasn't getting it. But all I can do is call 'em as I see 'em. And the band seemed as bored as the members of the audience who weren't kicking the shit out of each other. Once a long technical problem halfway through soaked up a lot of set time, the number of tunes that actually got played was pretty pathetic. After accounting for a late start, an early finish, a technical gap in the middle, an unwarranted departure for an encore and healthy amounts of absolute nothing inbetween two-minute long songs, I'd estimate that Pig Destroyer played between twenty and twenty-five minutes of music in a headlining set.
Not good enough. Nowhere near. Especially shortly after having seen Primordial and My Dying Bride, both of whom performed headline-quality sets in standard slots. All this and no “Mapplethorpe Grey” or “Carrion Fairy”. A big fat hefty 'meh' for the my main draw of the festival.
And yet I left feeling thoroughly satisfied. Overall, it represented a fucking solid day of extremely obnoxious music. Chalk another one up for the Damnationfest team. Bring on next year.
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